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Home > Our work > Capacity Development

capacity development

In order to reduce disaster risk and increase communities’ resilience, the technical understanding of earthquake risk needs to be accompanied by a dedicated process of developing local ownership, incorporating local knowledge and understanding of local realities, needs and priorities, and developing local capacities at both technical and institutional levels. To promote sustainability, GEM’s work includes the following two major areas: training and institutional strengthening, and stakeholder engagement. 

Institutional strengthening

Capacity development and institutional strengthening activities include the establishment of partnerships and networks at regional, national, and international levels, the installation of risk assessment capabilities in relevant public organizations, the incorporation of risk assessment courses in academic institutions, and the systematic implementation of technology transfer mechanisms.

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Stakeholder engagement

GEM engages end-users from the very beginning to ensure that its work properly reflects the local conditions and responds to the needs of the local communities. Fostering local ownership is considered crucial in facilitating adoption, use, and application of the risk assessment results. This is especially true at the local level, where actual disaster risk reduction actions are implemented.

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