To improve earthquake resilience, GEM offers collaborative services, products and resources that can be used by organisations and individuals worldwide. They allow for transparent, accessible, credible and actionable risk assessment in CALM TIMES, but can also be used for applications that focus on response and recovery.
Risk reduction and management - risk-sensitive urban planning, building code regulations, and awareness raising
Analyse cost-benefit of retrofits with GEM OpenQuake engine; Develop custom models and risk portraits at various scales (city, province, country) with GEM datasets and OpenQuake tools; and Calculate custom hazard and risk results for an area of interest with GEM datasets, models (e.g. fatalities, damage, collapse, financial metrics, maps, and curves)
Risk financing
Use GEM datasets and models to support calculations for fund allocation, insurance viability and creation of insurance pools
Emergency response preparedness
Develop earthquake scenarios for post-disaster planning with GEM exposure datasets, inventory capture tools and risk information
Rapid impact assessment
External applications can use the OpenQuake engine, as well as other GEM tools and datasets for rapid post-earthquake estimation of damage and human losses.
Field assessment of damage
Collect and catalogue earthquake damage and impact with GEM’s inventory capture tools and earthquake consequence database.
Restoration of critical infrastructures (business interruption)
Estimate expected downtime and interruption costs of structures by combining local datasets using OpenQuake tools.
Providing shelter and relocation
The OpenQuake engine and GEM models can be used to estimate the number of people that are likely to seek shelter; overlaying hazard and risk maps on the shelter-seeking population, the OpenQuake Platform can be used to select lower risk zones for staging response and recovery.
Economic and social recovery
With OpenQuake tools, recovery times for the built environment can be calculated as well as for the economy.
Resilient design and construction
With the OpenQuake engine and tools, users can perform custom calculations to assess the type of construction that should be adopted to mitigate the damage and losses from future earthquakes.
OpenQuake is a suite of open source software that allows the GEM community to use data, best practice and applications being developed collaboratively. The Platform is comprised of the engine, and a great variety of online and offline tools for modeling, accessing and exploring GEM products, as well as uploading and sharing data and findings.